Blackboard vs Whiteboard is a Bollywood drama film directed by Tarun Bisht. The film follows a student Amit, struggled to pass his school examinations and was afraid of competitions. However, with the help of his parents, he manages to become a primary teacher. Afterward, he decides to help children create a better future for themselves. Below this article, you will find the Blackboard vs Whiteboard Daywise Box Office Collection.
Also, Check the Latest Bollywood Movies Collections
Blackboard vs Whiteboard Daywise Box Office Collection | Collection (Cr) |
1st Day Collection | TBA |
2nd Day Collection | TBA |
3rd Day Collection | TBA |
4th Day Collection | TBA |
5th Day Collection | TBA |
6th Day Collection | TBA |
7th Day Collection | TBA |
8th Day Collection | TBA |
9th Day Collection | TBA |
10th Day Collection | TBA |
Blackboard vs Whiteboard Total Collection | TBA |