Ilayaraja is a 2019 Malayalam drama movie which has directed by Madhav Ramadasan. The film shows lead actor Guinness Pakru and two kids are from the poor family backgrounds. But, they are enough intelligent to play chess and participates in the local chess competition. The kids are praised for their chess playing skills. In this post, we will Cover the Ilayaraja Daywsie Box Office Collection.
Also, Check the Latest Malayalam Movies Collections
Ilayaraja Daywise Box Office Collection | Collection (Cr) |
1st Day Collection | TBA |
2nd Day Collection | TBA |
3rd Day Collection | TBA |
4th Day Collection | TBA |
5th Day Collection | TBA |
6th Day Collection | TBA |
7th Day Collection | TBA |
8th Day Collection | TBA |
9th Day Collection | TBA |
10th Day Collection | TBA |
Ilayaraja Total Collection | TBA |