The Red movie is a 2021 Indian Telugu language action thriller movie directed by Kishore Tirumala and produced by Sravanthi Ravi Kishore under Sri Sravanthi Movies The movie stars are Ram Pothineni, Nivetha Pethuraj, Malavika Sharma, and Amritha Aiyer are playing lead roles. After lockdown, it has been released with huge expectations in Sankranti. In this movie, Ram played dual roles, and the story line up of this movie is it follows a murder investigation involving a civil engineer and he looks like a prime suspect.
Thadam was built on an interesting premise and Red adheres to it largely. But it also puts forth a slightly ‘mass’ version of the original, in an effort to pander to the image that Ram has after iSmart Shankar. An item number is thrown in, every emotion is emphasized and everything is over-explained. Here is the Box office collection of the Red movie. This movie has collected the Rs 5.4 cr on the first day collections and below the article, you can find the Box Office Collection of the movie Day wise. Red movie total Box office collection worldwide share is Rs 19.50cr. Here we provide the box office news and updates using the latest technology news.
Red Day- wise Collection | WORLDWIDE SHARE |
1st-Day Collection | 5.4cr |
2nd-Day Collection | 3.7cr |
3rd-Day Collection | 2.75cr |
4th-Day Collection | 2.1cr |
5th-Day Collection | 1.1cr |
6th-Day Collection | 0.76cr |
7th-Day Collection | 0.57cr |
8th-Day Collection | 0.38cr |
Total Collection | 19.50cr |
Also, Read –Krack Movie Box Office Collection Day Wise & Worldwide Gross